BizEturtle's Policy
BizEturtle does not post events that causes one to have to call or
click on links for further information.
ALL events are posted at No Charge
1. All information must be provided in text within the body of the e-mail
Day & Date
TITLE (in caps please)
time (the beginning and end)
exact location
including the name of venue and street address
valid phone number and/or e-mail for the public for further information
cost if any
brief description
exact website link to the event (No Facebook Links)
All links must be to a valid website
If you send a flyer/poster, it must be a.jpg or.png and
it will be posted to Facebook
If you want the event on the Community Calendar, you must include the
information in text as stated above within the
body of the e-mail ( no attachments)
2. There will be no performances listed where
event venue is a bar, night club or restaurant
that serves alcohol, unless one of the following conditions apply:
The net proceeds of the event will be donated to a non-profit organization
The net proceeds of the event will be donated to an individual with a life-threatening illness,
or to a fund which directly benefits the individual experiencing the life-threatening illness
The net proceeds of the event will be donated to a memorial fund
3. Only public events will be posted
4. Event must be open to all residents of Monmouth County
Age restrictions may apply
5. Store Sales will not be posted unless a
percentage is donated to a non-profit organization
6. Auditions will not be posted
7. Classes/Lessons/Camp Schedules will not
be posted unless they are for a FREE Trial or Open House.
8. Lectures/Seminars will not be posted unless
they are free or at a maximum of $40 a ticket
9. Networking Gatherings/Expos are only posted if
it is a FREE Admission Event.
10. If a speaker or presenter occurs during a meeting or a service it
must take place before or after and not during.
You must specify the time of the speaker or presenter
11. The Event must occur in Monmouth County
Special Consideration will be considered for charity non-profits
holding events in other counties.
12. Continuing Library Events such as Book Clubs, Weekly Children's Programs,
Creative Writing Sessions, Knitting Circles, Read to a Dog Therapy, etc will not be
posted to the Community Calendar.
Please note that BizeTurtle WILL NEVER provide your information or
e-mail to any outside agency or 3rd party.
For further information or questions
Please e-mail me or contact me by phone. or 732-759-0485.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Linked In
Do not be fooled by the name, BizEturtle.
"We are all bizE (busy) in our lives,
but we must turtle (slow)
down to spend time with family, friends, etc"
Do Not Forget. Everything is FREE!!
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